Introduction to Meditation

January 31, 2023 - by Geneviève Latour


Introducing Meditation

The Benefits of Meditation

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Improving overall emotional wellbeing;

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Increasing imagination and creativity;

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Promoting restful relaxation;

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Improving memory;

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Increasing self-awareness;

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Improving sleep quality;

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Controlling pain more efficiently; and

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Lowering blood pressure.

How to Meditate


Start by finding a quiet space with few distractions where you feel comfortable.


Set the tone. You might want to incorporate sound into your practice. Gentle instrumental music, white noise or sounds of nature like a waterfall may help you focus and relax.


Breathe. It seems simple, but one of the easiest ways to meditate—especially for beginners—is to simply breathe with intention. Inhaling and exhaling regulates and resets your breath, allowing you to let go.


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