The Benefits of Yoga and 5 Easy Poses

February 3, 2022 - by Geneviève Latour


For Improved Balance, Posture, Flexibility & Strength

Try This: Tree Pose

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Start by standing straight with your arms straight along either side of your body.

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Find something in the room to focus on.

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Shift your weight and balance on one foot.

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Align the sole of your foot to the inside of the opposite thigh or calf (but never the knee). Your toes should be pointing down.

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Press your palms together at chest level and slowly stretch them above your head, towards the ceiling, palms still together.

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Hold for a few breaths and repeat with the other foot.

For Better Blood Circulation & Heart Health

Try This: Downward Dog Pose

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Begin in tabletop position, which is to say, on your hands and knees.

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Spread your palms wide and place your knees at hip distance.

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Walk your palms just in front of your shoulders.

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Tuck your toes under and raise your knees off the mat while bringing your sitting bones up to create a triangle shape.

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Maintain a slight bend in your knees whilst lengthening your spine. Do not lock your knees.

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You may pedal out your feet (slowly) to warm up your leg muscles if you wish.

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Hold the position and breathe.

For a Better Mood

Try This: Triangle Pose

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Start by standing and lightly jump your feet wide apart.

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Turn your right foot out and face that direction.

Slightly bend your right leg and extend your arms, palm facing down, to create a “T” shape.

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Straighten your right leg and reach your torso over your left leg. Rotate your right palm so it faces up and gaze at it.

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Reach your right hand to the mat and place your palm next to your foot.

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Extend your left arm overhead and gaze at your fingers which point to the ceiling.

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Hold for a few breaths and repeat on the other side.

For a Good Night’s Rest

Try This: Child’s Pose

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Kneel on the floor with your toes together and your knees hip-width apart.

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Sink your hips back towards your heels.

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Relax your chest and allow it to sink between your knees.

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Extend your arms, with your palm facing down, alongside your torso—your fingers should point in the opposite direction of your toes.

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Lower your head to the mat and relax your shoulders.

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Hold, rest and breathe for as long as you need.

For Better Stress & Anxiety Management

Try This: Savasana

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Simply lie down on your back and gently stretch your limbs out, away from your body, palms facing up.

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Align your head, neck and spine.

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Focus on your breathing and letting go of tension, limb by limb.

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Let yourself feel heavy.

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Stay in this position for as long as you may need.


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